Look Back
- What are you thankful for? What is causing you stress?
- How many days did you read the Bible? What is God saying?
- Who did you invite to read the Bible and learn about the Spirit?
Look Up: Being Filled with the Spirit
- Discuss Revival is Simple. What makes our Cups unclean?
- How do we clean our cups?
- What is the referee’s whistle? Col. 3:15
- How often did the peace of God rule in your heart this week?
- How do you get back in the Spirit after you sin?
- ADMIT YOUR SIN Only Sin blocks the Spirit from working through you.
- Read 1 John 1:9, James 5:16, Hebrews 3:13
- How does encouragement make a group safe to be transparent?
- Do you feel safe to be honest about your sin struggles?
- BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. Preach the Gospel to Yourself.
- Read Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:22,
- Why are you completely forgiven and accepted by God?
- Read Romans 6:18; John 8:32, 1 Corinthians 10:13
- What has God done to free you from sin and give you victory?
- CHOSE TO OBEY Daily repent and don't let sin continue in your life.
- Read Romans 6:12-13, Proverbs 24:16, Lamentations 3:22-23
- What does a righteous person do?
- Where is the Spirit helping you overcome sin right now?
- ADMIT YOUR SIN Only Sin blocks the Spirit from working through you.
- Will you make the 2nd discipleship commitment to obey God?
Look Forward
Set goals & pray for goals
- What are you doing well?
- What do you need to change?
- Read Transferable Concept: How to Walk in the Spirit
- Set Goal: Who needs to hear this? Share what you are learning about the Spirit this week with someone who needs to hear it.
- Prayer Focus: God’s Forgiveness - Matthew 6:12
- Father, forgive me and fill me with the Spirit.
- Father, forgive me and fill me with the Spirit.
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