Look Back
- What are you thankful for? What is causing you stress?
- How many days did you read the Bible? What is God saying?
- How many days did you walk in the Spirit?
- Who did you invite to read the Bible and learn about the Spirit?
Look Up: Spiritual Warfare
- Discuss Transferable Concept How You Can Walk in the Spirit.
- How do you know if you are being led by the Spirit?
- What keeps you from being in the Spirit? How do you get back in the Spirit?
- Read John 15:18-20. What does Jesus warn us to expect?
- Read Ephesians 6:10-18. How do we win the battle with temptation and an enemy we can’t see?
- Read Matthew 6:13, Matthew 26:41. What part does prayer take in the battle?
- Read James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9. What authority do you have with Christ in you to resist the Enemy?
- Will you make the 5th discipleship commitment to reproduce yourself by making disciples?
Look Forward
Set goals & pray for goals
- What are you doing well? What do you need to change?
- Set Goal: Who will you invite to do this study?
- Prayer Focus: God’s Deliverance - Matthew 6:13
- Father, lead and deliver us.
- Father, lead and deliver us.
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