Look Back
- What are you thankful for? What is causing you stress?
- How many days did you read the Bible? What is God saying?
- How many days did you walk in the Spirit?
- Who will you disciple and train to follow the Spirit?
Look Up: Ask God
Praying to a Father who loves you. Read John 14:12-15, 15:7,16, 16:24. What does God promise to do? Why do you think Jesus says this five times?
- What are the conditions for answered prayer? How is praying and what you do connected? v. 12,15, 1 John 3:18-23
- Why is God’s answer sometimes “No” or “Wait”? Read Luke 11:9-13, James 4:3
- Why is it important to give thanks in all circumstances? 1 Thess. 5:16-18.
- How does trusting in God's love and goodness help you to persevere in trials? Romans 8:28, 31-32.
- What does your praying (or not praying) reveal about your abiding (remaining) in a close love relationship with God?
- What should we to pray about? Read Matthew 6:9-13.
- God’s priorities v. 9-10
- Our needs v.11
- Confessing past sin and overcoming future sin; v.12-13
- God’s priorities v. 9-10
- What is easiest to pray for?
- What do you least pray about?
- What do you most need to pray about?
- What would you do if you knew God would say Yes and you could not fail?
Look Forward
Set goals & pray for goals
- What are you doing well? What do you need to change?
- Who needs to hear this? Who will you teach this?
- Set Goal: Start a discipleship group and study Lose to Win.
- Prayer Focus: God’s Provision - Matthew 6:11
- Father, give us and those around us what we need.
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