Back to Lessons on Loving Our World
Look Back:
- What are you thankful for? What is causing you stress?
- Who did you share Jesus with this week?
Look up: Help Them Believe (Read the Bible)
- Read Acts 8:26-38 What do we learn about the Holy Spirit’s role in helping the Ethiopian believe? v. 29
- How did Philip initiate a spiritual conversation? v. 30
- How did Philip help the Ethiopian to make a decision? v. 32-33
- Would you be interested in reading the Bible sometime?
- When
- Where
- Who
Help Them Make a Decision
- Read Acts 2:14-41. What do we learn about the Holy Spirit’s role in helping people to believe? v. 17-18, 33
- What did Peter share with people? v. 16-21, 25-28
- What do we learn from how Peter called people to make a decision? v. 38
Invite people to make a decision.
- Where do you see yourself?
- Where do you want to be?
- Are you ready to accept God’s gift and follow Jesus?
- What would keep you from accepting God’s gift?
Look Forward – Set goals & pray for goals
- What are you doing well?
- What do you need to change?
- Set Goal: Who will you invite to study the Bible this week?